Deacon Cris Luna
[email protected]
Phone: 512-543-3927
Fax: 512-379-6126
RCIA is a great way to explore the Catholic faith, ask questions, and enjoy fellowship with others along the journey. If you are interested in the RCIA process and becoming Catholic (or just want to learn more about the Catholic faith)
Order of Christian Initiation for Adults (OCIA)/Adult Sacraments Program
In the Catholic Church, the process of becoming Catholic is known as the "Order of Christian Initiation for Adults" - usually abbreviated as OCIA. Those seeking a deeper relationship with Christ through membership in the Roman Catholic Church are guided through the OCIA process. Formal classes begin at the start of each fall semester, however, the process is year-round and always welcomes new participants.
Adult Confirmation
Our Lady of Wisdom offers formation for baptized Catholics who have not yet received the sacrament of Confirmation. We invite you to celebrate the fullness of initiation through this sacrament of the Church. Classes are formed each semester where we will walk with you throughout your journey. Those who have been baptized Catholic but have not yet made their First Eucharist will be prepared during this time as well.